So, you have come to this article in search of some advice, some information that will help grow your Network Marketing business. I hope so anyway as that's what this article will be about. The Network Marketing industry is an industry full of hype and secrets. The truth is that most people don't make over $10 a week.
Thats because they look at the industry the wrong way. Network Marketing is not about selling, its about leadership. If you think you got into this business to sell a ton of vitamins then you should stop now.
Network Marketing is about sharing the dream and vision of being financially wealthy while working from the comfort of your own home. Our jobs as Network Marketers is to spread that dream and inspire others to take action now.
So, how do you have success in this industry. Well, there are several things you need. First of all, you need a steady low of targeted traffic and leads. This can be built up online or even offline. Then you need a system to plug those leads into which will prospect them, sell products to them and eventually sponsor them into your company. Those systems are around, you just have to use the big G (Google) and you will find what im talking about.
Then, once you have a consistent stream of leads and are generating cash flow by selling your leads affiliate products. Its time to think about sponsoring. Once you have hundreds of leads coming in, you dont have time to talk to them one by one. This is when you need your own presentations. You need to record yourself going over a presentation about your company. This is where you really pitch your opportunity. You don't want to pitch your leads until they have gone through your system.
So, in every email you send to your list, add a link to the bottom to a presentation that you made. Then the signups will start rolling in. In order to sponsor hundreds of people, you need to get on the phone and talk to them. Talk to your leads and sponsor them. Then you need to think about duplication. Teach your new reps how to sponsor, how to generate leads and how to duplicate. Do all that and your on your way to a walk a way income.
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